Do you remember what was going through your head when you first saw me? I remember thinking how beautiful you were, and how I was amazed that you were looking at me right after you were born. I felt an instant connection and fell head over heels in love with you the moment I heard you cry (only your head was poking out at this time) and then when I saw you I was totally, totally, in love!
How did you choose my name? I had a baby name book and I had made a list of favorite names on the back page of the book....Amanda, Heather, Holly, Beth, and lower on the list, Amber. Your dad made the ultimate decision because his Mom (Nanny) liked it best!
What was I like as a baby? As a young child? You were a delightful baby! You did have colic after a month old that lasted about 9 months, but other than that you were happy and I just loved you and loved being with you. As a child you were very curious and extremely smart. You liked attention and would get it however you could...'Look me Mama, look what I can do!'.
Do you remember any of the songs you used to sing to me? Can you sing them now? I sang a lot of the 'common' songs to you...Jesus Loves the Little Children, Jesus Loves Me, all the little nursery rhymes. Nanny sang 'You are my Sunshine' to you a lot. As you got older you liked the songs we heard on the radio and we liked to sing them together...Tina Turner (What's Love Got to Do With It) but with your own lyrics....Cock-a-doola, Cock-a-doola?
What were my siblings like? Jess was your baby sister, but you acted like a little Mommy to her. She looked up to you and always wanted to do what you did.
What were the hardest moments you had when I was growing up? It was very hard for me to let you leave to visit your dad, the few times he exercised his visitation rights. It broke my heart. I didn't mind you going to Nanny and Papas, because I knew they watched you like a hawk, and I didn't mind my Mama and Ed watching you, but I didn't like leaving you with anyone else. I hated having to leave you with sitters in order to be able to work, but I was a single mom and had no choice. I was actually glad when I finally got a job with day hours and you could go to a daycare like 'normal' kids, even though day cares aren't ideal. I would say the hardest thing about your 'growing up' years was the whole 'child care' issue all the way up through middle school when you finally told me you weren't going to daycare anymore.
If you could do everything again, would you raise me differently? Not really. I feel like you had a good raising. You grew up knowing right from wrong, were not overly spoiled, and you just turned out so good I can't really fault myself for anything I did wrong! LOL!
What advice would you give me about raising my own kids? Be firm, but gentle. Spoil a little, but don't overdo it. Let them be kids, but give them a good background for adult life.
What are your dreams for me? That you live a long and happy life with your husband and kids, accept love and friendship from others, and have a close relationship with God, and just be at peace with your life and live in joy.
How did you meet mom/dad? I met your dad at Rose's department store when I was 17. I wasn't too crazy about him at first. I didn't think he was cute and he wore dorky clothes and he was sort of a 'hippy'. We started dating and after a year we got married.
Are you proud of me? I am so proud of you! I have been all your life. Proud of what a good girl you were, how smart you were all through school, proud of your determination to graduate high school and college. Proud of you that you found a good Christian man and married him. Proud of you for the wonderful grandson you've given me. Proud that you are a good Christian woman and proud you are my daughter! So proud of all the 'little things' all through your life since you were born. Some times just silly stuff like a good grade on a test, or because you got a job, because you got an internship in the best county, proud when you were a middle school girl who stood by a friend who needed to see the counselor, for being nice to an 'unpopular' girl, proud of all the times you were able to 'rise above' the bad stuff, proud when you got your own place...the list goes on and on and on and on!
All of it's true...down to the last word!